1 day ago3 min readThe perfect abstract: Turning months of work into 200 words of max impactIn many ways, even a brilliant, groundbreaking paper is only as good as its abstract. That’s because while the average academic paper...
Nov 213 min readEditors as career alliesAre you making full use of your academic editor? Editors improve text, sure. But the best ones do a lot more than that. One of the...
Nov 74 min readMastering the hallmark of great writing: How to create flowHave you ever gotten lost in an academic article or textbook, caught up in the information almost the same way you would in a juicy...
Oct 165 min readHow to make data engagingLet’s cut to the chase: the vast majority of academic writing is notoriously dull . It’s hard to read, harder to understand, and even...